Monday, December 05, 2005

Winter Has Arrived

So today, I woke up to a winter wonderland. Snow was falling in mass quantity and continued to do so most of the day. Yes, the first snowfall is always pretty. But as it has arrived about three weeks before Christmas, I fear this may very well be a very cold and wet winter. And as temperatures start to fall tonight, the wet roads will turn to ice, which is always fun to drive through. Ah well, I'll enjoy the "prettiness" of this while I can. Hope your day is grand too!

Richmond Snow 2005

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Christmas Tree is up!

Last night, I finally found the time to get the Christmas tree up. It has already put a festive air to the house and I'm slowly getting into the spirit. I personally don't care whether others celebrate Christmas, Hannuka, Kwanza, Blow Myself Up For Allah Day, or whatever, as long as you shut the hell up about me celebrating Christmas. It's a happy time of the year for me, and I will enjoy it and celebrate it as I see fit. And if it offends you, then go get a life and stay the hell out of mine. Merry Christmas!

I also finished getting the leaves out of the front yard today! This was a major feat, as for whatever reason my yard tend to fill with them. Eventually the city will send around a big truck with a massive vacuum cleaner attached to it and suck up all the leaves out of the ditches. As for the back yard, I'll just run my lawn mower over it and turn them into instant mulch. I'll get to that eventually.

I'm also slowly working my way through cleaning up the house thoroughly. Where does all the clutter come from? I swear I think it has breeding parties when I'm at work or asleep. Oh well, the battle will go on!

One thing I do need to do, is hire an electrician to wire up a couple of outdoor electrical outlets. I keep forgetting I don't have any of those until I need to plug something in when I'm outside. Man, I also need 48 hour days just to get everything done!

Oh well, fa la la la la!