Tuesday, December 07, 2004

An Early Birthday Present

Today was a very happy day for me. There are moments that come in your life, that, while not life changing, make it so that even if the rest of the day isn't spectacular, that moment makes everything else at least bearable.

Today was one of those. For today, I was released from indentured servitude from the loan company that held the title to my car. Yes, today, my car was paid off, and I am free from that monthly payment! Yay for me!!!

The reason I entitled this post as such, is because it wasn't scheduled to be paid off for another 3 months, but I managed to save up enough to get the job done early. And when they handed me the title to the vehicle, there was an admitted bit of weight lifted off of my shoulders, and an extra spring in my step.

And the way my night ended at work, it couldn't have come at a better time. The end of my work night really sucked. I was pissed at the final couple of hours. I ended up having to work over an hour, and I won't get paid for it. But as I was leaving, I picked up the envelope that contained that title, and I got over my pissed-ness a whole lot quicker.

Sometimes, the day smiles.


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