Friday, November 04, 2005

Another "quit smoking" hurdle cleared

Well, I made it. I managed to go out last night to a bar, hang out with my smoking friends, have a few drinks and even sing some karaoke, and was able to resist the urge to smoke. I did tell my friends that I had quit, and they were all very supportive.

Yes there were temptations. Several times I wanted to pick up someone's pack and light one up. Several times I wanted to ask for just a drag. But I didn't. And I'm really happy with that. I was very careful to not drink to much and let my guard down. And up until the very end of the night, I made sure I didn't do any shots, which tend to creep up on you fast. But after I had already paid my tab and was on my way out, a friend bought me a shot, and I figured, well, I'm leaving anyway, might as well.

I had a good time, and was able to stick to my commitment. Celebrate life's small victories, right?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the victory keep your head up and ill buy you a pin that says smoking? yeah i smoked that ;)