Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A few days off

This will be my last post for at least a week. I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow for some much needed fun time. I'll be helping a friend of mine set up and run her vending booth for Silver Tiger Art at the Camelot Days Renaissance Faire. There are also a couple of days planned in there just for fun and relaxing things too, so it won't be all work. Even though the work part will be fun! I'm sure to have lots of pictures, and I just might share one or two of those.

It should be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to this. I'm still smoke free and the little counter on the top left shows me that I've saved over a hundred bucks now. But I also know that as I approach the 30-day mark, it is a dangerous time for those of us who have recently quit smoking. This is when we start getting a little cocky (as if I need to be any more than I already am) and occasionally think, "oh, one won't hurt me" or other such nonsense as that. I'm keeping my guard up and not letting myself think in those terms. The acronym "N.O.P.E." is still holding for me (Not One Puff Ever).


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